Tag Palestine

The (Anti-) Palestinian Authority

The real rift in Palestinian society is between those fighting to preserve the class privileges of Oslo and their opponents who uphold the essentials of the Palestinian cause. As the Oslo process has brought calamity after calamity on the Palestinian…

Israel artillery kills beachgoers

Hamas’ action was prompted by a string of Israeli attacks, including an artillery shell blast that killed at least seven Palestinians picnicking on a northern Gaza beach on Friday. The IDF said earlier it had been firing on rocket-launching areas…

Israel and AIPAC

Joe Hartley emails: “You may want to take a look at the NY Review of Books this week. It has an interesting article by Michael Massing on the controversy that has arisen as a result of the Mearshimer-Walt article challenging…

No place for non-Jews in Fortress Israel

Marriage ban closes the gates to Palestinians In approving an effective ban on marriages between Israelis and Palestinians this week, Israel’s Supreme Court has shut tighter the gates of the Jewish fortress the state of Israel is rapidly becoming. The…

The War’s liberal enablers

Rummy’s not the only one who should go Michael Donnelly, “a Vietnam-era Conscientious Objector and veteran of many (far too many) anti-war efforts” says United for Justice and Peace has enabled war with the best of them, pretending all the…