Tag Goldman Sachs

Socialism for the rich. Capitalism for the rest

Goldman’s new ‘American Socialism Manifesto’ 8 ways ‘The Conspiracy’ is destroying our American democracy In “Bailout Nation,” hedge fund manager Barry Ritholtz summarizes this clandestine takeover of the great American democracy, led by Paulson and the Goldman Conspiracy juggernaut. In…

The vampire squid eyes carbon trading

A Goldman Sachs report on the Waxman-Markey climate bill, recently issued to Goldman Sachs’ clients, confirms Breakthrough Institute analysis showing the legislation would result in one of the largest commodity markets in the world subject to significant speculation by financial…

The vampire squid is in Italy too

Ex-Goldman Sachs employees hold high governmental positions in Italy. And brace yourself for this shocker, Goldman is embroiled in a corruption scandal there too. What, was taking control of America not good enough for The World’s Most Evil Investment Bank?…