Tag biofuel

Congress ends corn ethanol subsidy

Corn ethanol, a bad idea whose time has gone. Buh-bye , unless they try to sneak it through again. But there is major Congressional opposition to this wasteful practice that doesn’t work well, drives up food prices, and exists primarily to give patronage to Big…

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on the push to biofuel

Featuring an in-depth, town hall with Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Sapphire’s own Denise Gitsham asks about support for 3rd generation biofuels. The Navy plans to go to 50% biofuel, commercial airlines are definitely interested, and so is the Department of…

EU plans to convert unused biomass to energy

The project involves 19 countries looking for ways to convert non-food biomass to energy on a massive scale. One particular target is municipal waste. Imagine the savings if what once was dumped in landfills or burned became energy instead.