Tag biofuel

Queen converting her Bentleys to biofuel

Bentley plans a new line of biofuel-powered cars, and the Queen of England’s Bentleys are being converted. The Royal Family is highly supportive of such green measures, which certainly helps set a precedent.

Wallstrip on algae for fuel

Wallstrip is a fun site that has regular investing-oriented videos with a zany, humorous twist. In this video, they talk about pond scum, not the thieving Wall Street kind, but the ooze that grows in ponds and is being looked…

Algae to gasoline gets investment from Bill Gates

Sapphire Energy just got $100 million in funding from venture capital firms, including one owned by Bill Gates. They, and other firms, are working at what could be the holy grail of renewable fuel – cost-competitive gasoline created from algae.…