Tag algae biofuel

ExxonMobil invests in algae biofuel

They plan to invest up to $600 million with Synthetic Genomics to create biofuel from algae which is chemically identical to gasoline and diesel. This means it could be pumped directly into pipelines with petroleum-based fuel, something which would be…

Desert Biofuels

Desert Biofuels Initiative, Inc. is a Phoenix, Arizona-based non-profit social venture aimed at advancing the development of a robust sustainable biofuels infrastructure in the Sonoran Desert region, throughout the U.S., and around the globe. Let Desert Sweet Biofuels explain, they’ve…

New processing scheme for algae biofuels

OriginOil may have found a more efficient and cheaper to separate oil from algae. They use ultrasound and electromagnetic pulses to break down cell walls. MIT Tech Review Then the algae solution is force-fed carbon dioxide, which lowers its pH,…