Lithium and geothermal in Hell’s Kitchen

Lithium geothermal

The Salton Sea in southern California contains one-third of the world’s lithium supply. It’s an inland saline sea in a baking hot, unforgiving area. The lithium is contained in geothermal liquids, which have been harnessed for decades to create electricity.…

Gambling winnings and taxes

I do taxes in Vegas and see too many people get blindsided by gambling winnings. If you win over certain amounts, the casino sends you (and the IRS) W2-Gs detailing the winnings. But they do not document losses. Which is…

No, Virginia isn’t a Deliverance cesspool

Danica Roem, a trans woman, just got re-elected as a Virginia Delegate during an election that had multiple nasty attacks on transgenders. Why? At least in part, she got reelected because she has a message. McAuliffe didn’t have a central…

Just-in-time supply chains are breaking everyhere

Just-in-time supply chains are a quaint utopian libertarian concept that assumes markets will always operate efficiently. Thus, goods can be and should be manufactured, shipped, and delivered exactly when needed, and not before. It should be achingly obvious by now…

Space aliens. Where are they? Are we alone?

Space aliens and other civilizations almost surely exist. However the universe is so vast that we may never be in contact with them. Our galaxy, The Milky Way, has at least 200 billion stars. About 7% are stars like our…