More on Sri Lanka

More on Sri Lanka The Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Ranil Wickramasinghe, has held talks in Washington with President Bush, as his country grapples with a deepening political crisis. The Sri Lanka PM is in a death battle with their President,…

Greenquake: Matt Gonzalez wins runoff…

Greenquake: Matt Gonzalez wins runoff spot for S.F. Mayor Greens are rejoicing. Matt Gonzalez a Green and currently President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, will be in the run-off for mayor against Gavin Newsom, the darling of the…

Howard Dean’s flag comment

Howard Dean’s flag comment Rivals of Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean accused him Saturday of embracing a racially divisive symbol when he said he wants to be the candidate “for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.” Dean said…

Oligarch accused of plundering company

Oligarch accused of plundering company Ex-CEO of HealthSouth indicted on 85 counts including fraud and money laundering “The magnitude of the alleged fraud is staggering,” Mr. Wray said. “The indictment alleges that Scrushy and his accomplices reported $2.7 billion —…

Sri Lanka President suspends parliament,…

Sri Lanka President suspends parliament, troops in streets A gloves-off political fight between Sri Lanka’s president and prime minister that threatens a fragile peace process with Tamil rebels sparked concern in Washington and neighboring Asian countries. Sri Lanka’s President Chandrika…

Spooky rumor of the day

Spooky rumor of the day As we contemplate the difficulties facing our military, we hear rumblings from the hills of Scotland that worry peace activists who suspect we may soon see the mighty bombardiers of our Air Force back in…

Calif. halts electronic voting certification

Calif. halts electronic voting certification Uncertified software may have been installed on electronic voting machines used in one California county, according to the secretary of state’s office. Marc Carrel, assistant secretary of state for policy and planning, told attendees Thursday…