Downtown Tomatoes

The gardening blog, Downtown Tomatoes, Sue and I just started has some rather amazing photos( if I do say so myself) of dahlias and more, including a close-up of my favorite finger eater, Malo.

Protest Lite AKA the war on dissent

If you are attending the Make Poverty History rally in Edinburgh today, you need to be a “good” protester. The event is intended to lobby G8 leaders to do what the title suggests. Demonstrators are asked to march alongside Gordon…

Prison health systems that kill

A federal judge said Thursday that he would seize control of prison healthcare from the state and place it under a receiver, declaring that “extreme measures” were needed to fix a system that kills one inmate each week through medical…

The disconnect between Democrats and those they elect.

Democratic members of Congress, in  lockstep with Republicans, continue to blindly support the war. Even the most liberal say we need to git tougher in Iraq rather than admit the obvious, that the US is losing. The public is increasingly opposed…

Skype me

Skype allows you to make phone calls anywhere in the world from your PC for about 2 cents an minute. You can receive calls too, plus there’s voicemail and file transfer. Calls can be made to/from a Skype number or…

Time buckles, hands over reporters notes

Time magazine said today that it would provide documents concerning the confidential sources of one of its reporters to a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. agent, Valerie Plame. The decision by a major…