Category News

WordPress errors can be like a puzzle

Sometimes figuring out WordPress errors is a fun, if sometimes frustrating, puzzle. A client reported her site was down. It had a 500 error – which to use highly technical language – means something is seriously borked. Pressable tech support…

Jail Guitar Doors. Musical instruments to prisons

Jail Guitars Doors brings guitars, songwriting and music classes to prisons. It was co-founded by MC5 guitarist Wayne Kramer, who served time in federal prison for drugs. So, he’s been there. Kramer started it based on a similar foundation in…

Iowa and Texas are leaders in wind energy

Wind energy by state

Iowa now gets 57% of its electricity from in-state wind energy, and it does this consistently. Texas produces way more megawatts of wind energy than other states. No other state is even close. Yes, I know, this is completely the…

Twitter bans everything! Yeah, that’ll work…

Crazy Elon thinks banning links to other social media will somehow stop Twitter from self-destructing. It won’t. Instead,it will speed the process, as more advertisers and users leave. Mastodon in particular is thriving now. Lots of journalists there now. All…