Category News

Rep. Jackie Speier, survivor

At the age of 28, Jackie Speier was an aide to Congressman Leo Ryan when he went to Guyana to investigate Jim Jones. He was assassinated, she was shot five times and left for dead on an airstrip. She survived…

Obama. No torture. I will close Gitmo

There’s no qualifiers here. No evasions or hesitation. Obama says he will close Gitmo and ‘America doesn’t torture” Well, America has tortured. repeatedly. But what he means of course is, it won’t happen while he’s president. From 60 Minutes. Tip.…

Truevert. Green search engine

Truevert is focused on green, environmental awareness. All searches are done from the point of view of environmental and social concern. The results are obtained from YAHOO BOSS. They are then organized and clustered by Truevert. If you search for…

Tea Fire

From a friend in Santa Barbara That “Tea Fire” was way too close for comfort. It came roaring down our canyon and stopped about 200 feet away. Walls of flame, exploding houses and trees, surreal stuff. Check out these pics.…