Category Socialism

Third parties and socialism, pt. 2

Dave Riley expands on his thought from yesterday’s post. If I could add one addendum and that is the ‘problem’ organised socialist groups have with regroupment politics like this. If you think you are ‘the way’ and that your program…

Third parties and socialism

Dave Riley, long-time socialist organizer in Australia, left the following as a comment in on our recent post on the Green Party, discussing whether Peter Camejo could make a strong third party run this election year for governor of California.…

Socialism for the wealthy

Insurers saw record gains in year of catastrophic loss. Yet insurers want the government to prop them up and, oh yes, higher rates and less coverage too. They said that even with the increase, insurers face deep problems that can…

Chile inaugurates first woman president

Michelle Bachelet, a Socialist, pediatrician and former political prisoner and exile, was sworn in on Saturday as the first woman to be president of Chile, the culmination of its long and painful journey from repression and dictatorship to democracy. A…