Category Socialism

Class struggle

From John Wight in Scotland Bertolt Brecht reminded us that it’s a far greater crime to own a bank than to rob one. Events over the past few months have emphasised how right he was. They also illustrate the fact…

Are the masses all just sheeple?

Via Socialist Unity. George Galloway, Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, on Obama being elected. For there are two mistaken reactions to the political earthquake that has struck the US. The first, not one that most people on the…

A Judean People’s Front moment

Why we left the Workers International League The entire Portland branch and the majority of the San Francisco branch recently submitted our resignations to the Workers International League (WIL). Many of us joined the WIL over two years ago because…

A Farewell to Marxism

Marxism, that body of political thought based on the writings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, has had a hard time of it. When it’s been tried, it has failed to bring about its most fundamental goals. Only rarely has…

Why does this keep happening?

Sarkozy deftly steals the clothes of the disorganized French Left Why is the Left too often unable to put up a unified front? Sectarian squabbling over doctrinal differences is a primary reason. It poisons the waters and makes cooperation between…