Category recession

Great Depression stats vs. now

Data from Robert Schiller’s Irrational Exuberance and federal government data. Sue, who is a Goddess of Spreadsheets, compiled the data and created the spreadsheet. (You can download the full spreadsheet from Industrial production and GDP dropped off a cliff…

Give Geithner a break

Nate Silver: 1. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has more incentive to get this right than the Obama Administration. If the economy collapses — well, more than it already has collapsed — then the Democrats get slaughtered in 2010 If the economy…

Dollar advances because bailout might fail

This is just further proof, if any be needed, that the financial world has few if any moorings in anything even vaguely resembling to reality. Bloomberg: The dollar is rising based on speculation the bailout will fail, thus making the…

Rumble in the Ruble

The ruble is cratering, Russia is about to default again on their debt, and Russian firms are using barter to purchase goods, not the ruble. Sounds like a currency that is circling the drain. The international currency speculators are no…