Category Politics

The “new progressive movement”?

Moon of Alabama has a fine rant on the “new progressive movement” which appears to be faint bubblings from within liberaldom concerned that its leaders in DC are either comatose or ignoring them. If you want to broaden your voter…

Bhutto. Not what she seemed to be

Let’s not forget, Benazir Bhutto was removed as president twice because of corruption. We need have no sympathy with her Islamist assassin and the extremists behind him to recognize that Bhutto was corrupt, divisive, dishonest and utterly devoid of genuine…

Pakistan riots

Two dozen dead in Karachi Juan Cole: The seriousness of the situation in the streets of some of Pakistan’s important towns and cities doesn’t seem to me to be being reported in the US press and media. In contrast, Pakistani…

Bhutto. Where was the security?

There were multiple snipers shooting armor-piercing bullets, a decoy suicide bomb, and two of the snipers blew themselves up after firing. There was another attack at the hospital. A working theory, according to this American source, is that Al Qaeda…