Guns don’t kill people, societal rage does…

(Promoted from the comments on our post about gun laws and angry people. DJ discusses the growing and nasty divides in this country which threaten our unity, compounded and made worse by the already unhinged becoming violent. Is societal rage…

The War on Drugs has become an absurdity

As I learned recently, the practice of medicine is one of the unlikely casualties. In September, my wife began having abdominal pains. Her GP sent her to the GI specialist, who suspected Crohn’s Disease but found nothing. (Apparently Crohn’s is…

Our do-nothing Congress impedes tax software for 2013

From ATX. Last time Congress waited this long, people couldn’t file their taxes until February and sometimes March. “We are already seeing the impact on our industry of not having a solution in place. Normally, all tax software providers receive…

Drones and the Cycle of Violence Theory

The Cycle of Violence Theory applies here. Using a strategy like drone attacks has certain and predictable consequences, namely an increase in opposition to our presence, and increased support for whatever group the intended victim belonged to. In other words,…

GoFoods dehydrated food

We’re concerned by the direction current events are going, and like many of our neighbors are striving to become more prepared. Recently, we met some people selling GoFoods, dehydrated packages of food that are good for up to 25 years.…

Cheesemakers. Meeting a pioneer

One of the highlights of our vacation was meeting with Courtney Haas in Sutton, NH. When I was a kid, Courtney moved to town and began raising goats and making cheese. This was back in the 1970s, when there were…