Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Active in Never Trump since it started on the Bird site in 2016. Leftie politics. Climate Change. Water. Cats. Vegas.

The Tell

John Bolton confirmation is dead Another one Key Republicans say the Torturer-in-chief’s new plans for military tribunals “would not withstand legal scrutiny” Bush’s power is ebbing quickly. His own party is now openly defying him.

The HP way. Indictment?

Scoble is all over the exploding HP scandal. Management apparently was improperly obtaining phone call data of a board member they didn’t trust, as well as doing the same to reporters – with the orders coming from the CEO. This…

Tumblin’ Tony

Inexplicably, Tony Blair gave his “I’ll resign soon” statement at a school “where a third of the students come from Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.” They were not pleased with the warmonger nor were their classmates. Teachers tried to shut them…