Final preparations for Sept. 24 anti-war protests

Over the past four months here in LA we’ve printed and distributed over 100,000 flyers for Sept. 24, pasted up hundreds of posters, and made thousands of phone calls.

Today I was in the office helping paint banners and assemble the
placards. We’ve painted about eight banners these past few days,
including the two 30 foot long main banners for the front of the march,
one in English, the other Spanish. We’ve devised a way to stencil and
paint banners quite quickly, so that helps when you’ve got multiple
banners to do.

Placards require a bit of work. Wrap the bottom of the stick in masking
tape to prevent splinters when people hold it. Staple the placard to
the stick using four staples. Repeat 800 times.

The phone rang constantly, almost nonstop. Lots of people calling for info, this is a positive sign indeed. The ANSWER LA website got 4 times more traffic than normal yesterday, and those numbers will certainly be exceeded today and tomorrow.

So, it looks like the protest will be big. How big? Probably in the
tens of thousands. The D.C anti-war rally at the White House, may well
get 100,000-150,000.

None of us get paid, so if you can, please make a PayPal contribution to help fund our $15,000 in upfront expenses here in LA. No amount too small, $1, $5 is welcome.