Month April 2005

California prisons

From DJ Mitchell The Calipatria State Prison website states that the prison’s mission is “to provide for the confinement of general population Level I (minimum custody) and Level IV (maximum custody) inmates who are willing to participate in vocational and/or…

The podcasting wars

Yes, it’s true. George Bush is now podcasting. His first podcast, “Making the world safe for making a profit” is now on Democrats were quick to respond, with Barbara Boxer’s podcast speech, “It’s time to knock out Dubya”, being…

EU to impose trade sanctions on US

The European Union says it will impose sanctions as of May 1 on several U.S. products to punish Washington for failing to repeal an anti-dumping law that has been ruled illegal by the World Trade Organization. Canada is doing the…

Spy agencies were ‘dead wrong’ on Iraq, report says

A presidential commission said U.S. intelligence was ‘dead wrong’ about the military threat posed by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and urged overhauling the nation’s spy agencies to fight terrorism and weapons proliferation. The commission said a ‘major intelligence failure’…