Mozilla Thunderbird

Mozilla Thunderbird

An important note on my converting from Outlook to Mozilla Thunderbird for my mail reader – Thunderbird converted all my Outlook addresses and 25 mb of archived mail absolutely flawlessly and quickly. I was impressed. (I did have 70 mb of archived mail, but most of it, I found, wasn’t all that important, so I deleted it before doing the import.)

A tip: You run the import by doing Tools/Import off the Thunderbird menu. You must have the Outlook files and Outlook installed on that PC. If you get an error saying Outlook must be the default mail client for the import to work, go to Internet Explorer, Tools/Internet Options/Prpgrams, and change Email  to Outlook. Thanks to Ben Schorr for the tip how to do this, and check out Ben’s highly useful tech blog too!

And ain’t that just like Microsoft to put the configuration setting for the default mail reader in the browser, not in the mail reader!