“The Prince and the Porn”

“The Prince and the Porn”

Above headline from MSNBC. An inflammatory, misleading headline, as nothing they report links Prince Charles or Philip with porn. Having said that, the English monarchy is defintely in deeply troubled waters and the storm is getting bigger.

Check the titillating, sleazy approach MSNBC takes, emphasizing minor sexual stuff before the serious charges;

A flood of filth is engulfing Britain’s royal family. How much more can the House of Windsor take? <What flood of filth?>

Princess Diana sometimes left home to meet her lover naked under her fur coat. <Cool!> In her flakier moments, she also distributed £50 notes (about $79) to prostitutes on the street and bought soft-core porn for her eldest son. <And why is this news?>

Prince Philip, wrote the princess letters that described her as a “trollop” and a “harlot.” <Sheesh, what a grump> A “gay mafia” is said to dominate the royal households. <Gasp> Back in the ’80s, one of Prince Charles’s former footmen says he was raped by a senior royal aide while both worked for the prince. <Finally – some actual news> For good measure, Charles supplements his £7.5 million-a-year income (about $11.9 million) by selling off the heaps of unwanted gifts though a trusted servant who takes his own hefty rake-off. <Another serious charge>

As reported here on 11/08, the butler said the Queen told him his life could be in danger and, that “There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge.” Indeed, it does appear that someone is attacking the monarchy, rather well too.