Tag Net Neutrality

FCC Net Neutrality decision

BoldProgressives.org has their panties in a twist (via their listserv) BREAKING: Minutes ago, the FCC passed new rules — written by corporations — that will end Net Neutrality. For the first time in history, the U.S. government approved corporate censorship…

Google does evil

Google and Verizon ‘near deal to end net neutrality’ So much for Google’s “do no evil” corporate philosophy. Their CEO publicly supported net neutrality as recently as February too.

FCC to support net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission plans to announce tomorrow that it will seek to reclassify broadband as a transport service, opening up a way for the agency to enforce network neutrality recommendations and implement some aspects of the National Broadband Plan.…

Pioneers and pirates demand a free internet

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Internet and Christian Engström, Pirate Party MEP agree. The net must be kept free, open, and away from the clutching hands of the corporatists. Berners-Lee: “To spy on my information to build a profile of…

FCC calls for Net Neutrality

WSJ Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers should treat all data equally and avoid restricting or delaying access to certain sites. In other words, the providers must act like the phone companies and just pass the data along.…