Category News

Germans Greens endorse coalition agreement

Germans Greens endorse coalition agreementAh, to live in a country where Greens are major political players… Maybe it’ll happen here one day too. After several hours of intense debate over a nuclear power plant, the Green Party rank and file…

Ancedotal evidence

Ancedotal evidence My parent’s are in their 80’s and live in a retirement home in New England. Most people there are life-long Republicans with backgrounds in the corporate world. They of course lived through WWII. They overwhelmingly favored the Afghanistan bombing…

Rumsfeld alientates Pentagon

Rumsfeld alientates PentagonI tell ya, this Rumsfeld guy is just out of control… Nearly two dozen current and former top officers and civilian officials said in interviews that there is a huge discrepancy between the outside perception of Rumsfeld —…

Arundhati Roy – Am I…

Arundhati Roy – Am I Anti-American?. …Donald Rumsfeld said that his mission in the war against terror was to persuade the world that Americans must be allowed to continue their way of life. When the maddened king stamps his foot,…

Slashdot | Lucky Green vs….

Slashdot | Lucky Green vs. Palladium. CodeTrap writes “Wired has an interesting story “Can a Hacker Outfox Microsoft” on a fellow named Lucky Green that is attempting to force the issue surrounding MS’s Palladium Gambit using a very creative method…