I’m Editor of the Week at OurMedia!

Create. Share. Get noticed. That’s what Ourmedia is about.

Ourmedia is a global community and learning center where you can gain visibility for your works of personal media. We’ll host your media forever — for free.

That’s right, it’s free! Plus, it’s open source and uses Creative Commons as a licensing mechanism. Publish video, audio, podcasts, photos, mashups, whatever you want, and then share it with friends and the world.

Everything here is legal to download (Among other things, volunteers watch for copyrighted material being uploaded and delete it quickly.) The site is in alpha, which means the coding is still being developed. The sometimes slow speed will be a thing of the past soon. Members get a personal page and a blog, plus there’s lots of special interest groups forming.

OurMedia works in conjunction with the enormous and also free Internet Archive. To join OurMedia, you first need to join the Archive, then you can join OurMedia (it will ask for your Internet Archive password.)

I learned about OM at Gnomedex, where I met the founder, J.D. Lasica. Now I help out as a volunteer. This week I’m guest editor. My photo is on the home page, top right column, and you can see my Editor’s Choices here (scroll down a bit.) Most came from OM and the Archive, and give an idea of the huge amount of amazing stuff online for free and legal viewing and download.