The stealth return of the…

The stealth return of the military draft

Curious about what Ralph Nader said about the Pentagon quietly recruiting members for draft boards, I did some digging. Looks like Ralph is quite correct.

The Guardian, Nov 5, 2003
The Pentagon has begun recruiting for local draft boards, dredging up painful memories of Vietnam era conscription at a time of deepening misgiving about America’s occupation of Iraq.

The Memory Hole, Nov 23, 2004
On 23 Sept 2003, the Defense Department Website called “Defend America” posted a notice for people to join local draft boards., Nov 3, 2003
The Pentagon is quietly moving to fill draft board vacancies nationwide.

And most illuminating of all:

Bush drives to fill draft and appeal board positions

“In an odd move right before election year President Bush has made a push to fill all board positions in the selective service; a move that has left many officials and certainly all draft eligible males a little tense.”

However Kerry is right there with Bush. From Kerry’s website:

He will also increase the size of the Army by 40,000 active duty troops on a temporary basis.

Can’t imagine how he could do that except by the draft, can you?