Germany to become President of…

Germany to become President of Security Council

From a Not In Our Name email.

“On Monday, activists with No Blood For Oil will make a friendly appeal at the German Mission. Activists will meet with Counsellor Volker Pellet, and deliver a letter <that> argues Germany, which asssumes the critical Presidency of the Security Council in February, should assume an important role at the UN Security Council and General Assembly. In accordance with the letter, activists will list a number of technical and legal maneuvers that Germany should employ to halt the drive to war at the UN. This is an extremely critical time at the UN, and Germany, which has made anti-war pronouncements in the past, needs to assume greater responsibility in world affairs.”

Hmmm, Germany as head of the Security Council could definitely slow down the war machine. Another reason I expect us to be at war very soon, before Germany assumes the leadership role.