Maybe a big INS protest…

Maybe a big INS protest in L.A. this Friday

Friday is the deadline for certain Arab immigrants to register with the INS. Last month 25% of those registering were arrested for little or no reason, without warrants, with some still being held without bail or allowed counsel.

A protest is planned for this Friday, all day, at INS headquarters (300 N. Los Angeles Street at Temple) for this final deadline day for Group 2 men and boys.

“Group 2” men and boys are those from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates or Yemen.

Volunteers are training to be monitors, to walk in with those registering, to observe if arrests occur. Some volunteers are considering handcuffing themselves to those being registered.

I expect a sizable crowd at the protest. Many immigrants groups are genuinely (and quite reasonably) scared by what the INS is doing. Hence Latino, Filipino, Asian, as well as Arab and Muslim groups are joining together on this.

Then, the very next day, at the same location, a probable tens of thousands marching against an Iraq War. Methinks that supposedly apathetic Los Angeles is showing itself to be not apathetic at all.