German TV airs documentary charging…

German TV airs documentary charging American war crimes in Afghanistan

“The US State Department has reacted angrily to the showing of a documentary on German television alleging that US soldiers were involved in war crimes in Afghanistan.

A preliminary version of the film was shown to selected audiences in Europe in June of this year, as part of an effort by Doran to prevent evidence of the massacre from being destroyed and build support for an independent war crimes inquiry. Now Doran has incorporated his original footage into a full-length documentary that presents compelling evidence of US involvement in the massacre of thousands of alleged Al Qaeda prisoners, in contravention of all international laws and standards governing the treatment of POWs.”

Germany is definitely going its own way and – rather cheerfully it seems to me – is not paying much attention to the U.S. The German Foreign Minister, their equivalent of the U.S. Sec. of State, is a Green and the most popular politician in the country. He and the Prime Minister are dead set opposed to Iraq war.