Tag China

Mexican cartels now primary source for U.S meth

Thank you, Mexico. Thank you, China. Thank you, corrupt money laundering US banks and hedge funds. The youth of America salutes you. A legitimate pharmaceutical company in India exports cold pills to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, where…

The commercial no network will air

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOpyggmTmeE&feature=player_embedded Alarmist? Crazy? I’m no deficit hawk, but at some point the US needs to realize it can not continue to borrow and print money with no little thought given as to how much is owed and how it will…

The Chinese coal monster

The Oil Drum Like everything else in China, coal production statistics are simply immense. China now consumes and produces close to 50% of all the coal in the world. Thus, changes in Chinese consumption and / or production may have…