Captain Freebird. American Prayer


Captain Freebird is a superhero of sorts. He escaped from a mental hospital. An Indian medicine man lives in his heart. An assortment of evildoers and law enforcement want him dead or captured. Wherever he goes, well, shit gets blown up and people die. He does this while carrying the ashes of a soldier killed in combat on one last trip. At heart, this hallucinatory, funny, profane tale is about America, how there’s still plenty of good left, and irregardless of the folly of our leaders, veterans need to be respected and cared for.

I mentioned to the Fillbach Brothers at a Vegas comic show Saturday I was getting back into comics and that cyberpunk near-future dystopias were my starting point. They aallowedas how Captain Freebird might just what I need, especially considering he is a superhero and like most superheros, is insane. They were quite ccorrect.  The 112 pg. American Prayer is definitely worth getting, the b&w artwork is stark, and the plot grabs you from the first few pages.

I look forward to reading their Fricking Butt-kickin’ Zombie Ants, done with Steve Stern.

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