Navajo Generating Station coal plant proposes plan to EPA


The behemoth Navajo Generating Station near Page, AZ generates 2.25 GW of coal power for Arizona, Nevada, Southern California (including Los Angeles.) It also provides electricity to pump water for the crucial Central Arizona Project.

New EPA rules mandating cleaner power could shut NGS down. However, stakeholders have proposed a workaround plan to the EPA. One of three generators will be shut down by 2020. The other two will get expensive pollution-reduction technology. The final shutdown will be by 2044.

Before someone howls and says, shut it down now, well, then water would stop flowing in Arizona and Los Angeles would be faced with major power shortages. We need to find reliable replacement power first and it has to be 24/7 power. Solar and wind working together could well supply much of it but construction will need to start soon. 2.25 GW is a lot of power.

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