How much do you think the average Mescalero Apache trusts the NSA?

From stock trader Cody Willard, who grew up with Mescalero. Read the whole thing.

Can you imagine the range of perspective I have had in the last year or so with having discussed economics, politics, banking and corruption with former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, with Libertarian figurehead Ron Paul, with you TradingWithCody subscribers and with Lariat Geronimo, whose family/tribe have been lied to, pillaged, raped and murdered by our nation’s government for centuries.

How much do you think the average Mescalero Apache trusts the NSA, the FBI, Homeland Security, the SEC, the Federal Reserve, and the rest of the US government to do the right thing with their secret surveillance, their bailouts, their geopolitical coups, their arming Al Queda and other “rebels” in the Middle East, and so on?

Perspective, eh?

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