Stop The Tunnels launches to block Sacramento Delta tunnels


Stop The Tunnels aims to block the sleazy deal between Go. Jerry Brown and Central Valley agriculture / Los Angeles to shunt water away from the Sacramento Delta.

Californians for a Fair Water Policy is a statewide coalition of businesses, consumers, environmentalists, fishermen, farmers, Native Americans and community-based organizations who oppose spending more than $50 billion of taxpayer and ratepayer funds for the construction, financing, operation and environmental mitigation of new tunnels to export more water from the San Francisco Bay Delta Estuary. The tunnels, disguised as part of the “Bay Delta Conservation Plan,” would damage California’s economy, environment, sustainable family farms, and salmon population. Financing the tunnels would impose billions of dollars of tax and water rate increases on all Californians to enrich a few large and powerful agribusinesses and oil companies in the southwest San Joaquin Valley.

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