Stutterer finds her voice via YouTube

Eming Piansay has a stutter which sometimes incapacitates her. It led to social isolation, being mocked, and a vicious cycle of more fear of speaking. She graduated from college and started working. Her speech improved some. Then she did a You Tube video about it and found kindred souls and encouragement.

I stutter too but way less than when I was young and it’s not really an obstacle anymore. When I was 22, a speech therapist said he’d only had one stutterer worse than me in his 30 years of experience, that’s how bad it was.

“A Fish Called Wanda” with the stuttering scenes with Michael Palin and John Cleese helped me get over stuttering because it was the first time I had a belly laugh at my own speech, and that relieved a lot of pressure. Palin had the mannerisms and behavior down perfectly and he made it hilarious. But he was so dead-on that I thought then either he or someone close to him must have stuttered. As it turns out, it was his dad. In humor there is pain.

It’s wonderful that YouTube helped Eming feel vastly less isolated.

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