Obama’s carefully scrubbed past

The president with no past: Part II

About the first thing Obama did upon becoming president was issue an executive order sealing all his previous records. Golly, now why would he do that? It’s almost like he has something to hide.

The president with no past

Obama’s parents, maternal grandparents and stepfather – like the Bush family – all had intelligence links. Obama has fabricated many details about his past to conceal this.

Who did Obama work for in Chicago?

He worked for left “gatekeeper” groups with heavy intelligence / CIA links, one of which somehow managed, accidentally no doubt, to drive a wedge between minority school boards and teacher’s unions while pretending to be progressive. (This sounds a lot like pretend antiwar groups of recent memory who somehow never managed to have meaningful street protests, strutting about all the while proclaiming how militant they are – after having carefully stage-managed everything with the authorities first. Imagine that.)

One comment

  1. From a quick read in Wikipedia, the executive order Obama signed in 2009 was simply overriding an old executive order by Bush; he overrode it by reinstating an old executive order that Reagan enacted.

    Furthermore, what the linked websites ignore, either in purpose or through ignorance, is that the executive order is not only covering Obama, but rather, all previous presidential records, possibly up to Regan or even further. Still, the questions would probably remain the same though: What do they have to hide? I can understand a need to hide anything that’s deemed classified, but I can hardly see how any parental marriage certificates would constitute classified material.

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