Bought and Paid For. Obama’s unholy alliance with the banksters

What liberals don’t get is that the government is allied with the banksters in the ongoing destruction of the economy. It’s quite purposeful and deliberate, this looting of our country. Politicians grease the way for plundering by the banks.

So says Charles Gasparino in Bought and Paid For. The Unholy Alliance between Barack Obama and Wall Street. He details how investment banks contributed mightily to Obama’s rise and eventual presidency. He has repaid them hugely, giving them practically everything they want. It sure gets cozy. Goldman Sachs pumped $20 million into a little failing bank at no benefit to themselves either, a mighty odd thing for a vampire squid to do. Oh, but wait, Obama was making noises against Goldman and the bank, little bitty Shorebank in Chicago, was politically connected with definite links to Obama. What a coincidence.

Gasparino’s primary point is that the government for decades has been enriching bankers at the expense of the rest of us. Now, with foreclosuregate, it’s just blatant fraud, out in the open, and the federal government is doing next to nothing about it. It’s not because they are stupid or plodding. It’s because that’s how the government wants it to happen. That’s what those on the Left often don’t understand. The government is not our friend here.

Gasparino is a conservative, but the book isn’t about left vs. right but rather about how an obviously corrupt system is working to the detriment of most of us.

People ask me, why are you so down on the Democrats, why not vote for them against the Republicans? This book provides a clear answer. Both parties are equally corrupt. The solutions will not come by voting for one against the other. Our problems are too serious for that. Rule of Law apparently no longer applies to the ultra-wealthy. Politics is flooded with money, and you bet they want something in return. Our economy is being plundered. These are non-partisan issues, and both parties are deeply complicit in all of this.

(All this is just from the Introduction to Gasparino’s book, I’ll be blogging more about the book as I read it further.)

One comment

  1. All of this criticism of the system but no desire to change the system completely, just modify it a bit and put nice guys in charge and they will look after things for us??? Is that a reality or an illusion? Compassionate capitalism is another illusion, you can’t change the nature of the beast, it has to be destroyed and something else created in its place.

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