Socialist Arizona

Marc Cooper reports from a Tea Party meeting in Arizona in support of Republican primary challenger J.D. Hawyorth against that well-known commie, Marxist McCain.

Heading this evening to a meeting of local Tea Party folks where J.D. will be the guest speaker. If there are any plans for credibile resistance to the Commie yolk being imposed by the Obama-McCain axis I will send out a coded message. Make the the diodes implanted in your neck on switched to receive mode.

In related news, from Feb. 28

Charles Johnson: Why I Parted Ways with the Right from DANGEROUS MINDS on Vimeo.

Dangerous Minds

It was the blog post heard ’round the world. When Charles Johnson wrote Why I Parted Ways With The Right in the space of a few minutes and posted it on his popular Little Green Footballs blog, he had no idea the firestorm it would set off. Nasty denunciations, death threats and a New York Times magazine feature article later, Charles Johnson joined me for a lively discussion about what happened to him, the Darwin-hating, know-nothing Creationists and the frenzied insanity (and racism) of the anti-Obama right.

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