Two Dairies and taking control

(Crossposted from DJ’s blog)

There are two dairies in the Parowan Valley. One has 3,000 cows, and sells 10,000 gallons of milk a day to the local cheese factory. Ours has 10 goats, and makes cheese by hand for sale at the local farmers market. We like to think ours is better”¦

Global Guerrillas on what can be done given an increasingly useless government

Take control.

My solution is to form a tribal layer. Resilient communities that are connected by a network platform (I’m calling that the darknet). A decentralized and democratic system that can provide you a better interface with the dominant global economic system than anything else I can think of. Not only would this tribe protect you from shocks and predation by this impersonal global system, it would provide you with the tools and community support necessary to radically improve how you and your family does.

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