1. Whoa — they junk them!? Around here, excess produce gets fed to livestock. That includes chickens, pigs and (of course) goats. Seriously, Freecycle just carried an ad asking for your weevil-contaminated grains as chicken feed. I ran an ad earlier in the month asking for yard trimmings– which netted me several truckloads of branches and perhaps a ton (so far) of fallen apples.

    In a farming community, virtually nothing need go to waste. But these folks obviously aren’t community farmers. Just one more black eye on the face of corporate farming I guess.

    • I assumed they junked them. Could be wrong. The article quotes USDA ““About 20% of each annual watermelon crop is left in the field because of surface blemishes or because they are misshapen; currently these are lost to growers as a source of revenue.”

  2. I would love to power something with watermelon juice! It is amazing how much goes to waste in this world. They leave the watermelons in the field because of skin blemishes — I guess all things must be perfect.

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