The biggest consumer of online porn is .. Utah

Followed by other Religious Right states. I’d say such folks are seriously conflicted.

Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don’t explicitly restrict gay marriage.

“One natural hypothesis is something like repression: if you’re told you can’t have this, then you want it more,” Edelman says.


  1. Doesn’t pay to deny human nature. Seems like some Marxists do that, too. Puritanism of any stripe is inherently a contradiction. Your post on drugs and violence falls into this category, too.

    “Take you a glass of water
    Make it against the law.
    See how good the water tastes
    When you can’t have any at all.”

    • Well, some Marxists seem to think that supply and demand would vanish if true socialism came. Ain’t gonna happen.

      I say, legalize marijuana and prostitution, tax it, and keep it regulated.

  2. I’m not sure you’re on it… I’d wager that the reason porn sales are higher there is because they’re not ACTING on their urges to have sex. Rather to supliment the lack of a real sex life, they’re buying porn. If you lived in a city where you could go out and find a willing sex partner, why would you buy porn instead? So it could be argued that this shows their “plan” to promote moral behavior is working. (Now you can argue about weather watching porn is moral or not, but that’s another argument.)

    Of course it could also be another factor as well. As Carlin used to say: “The people against pornography and abortion are the ones that nobody wants to f__k anyway.” 🙂

  3. It’s true. Hotties like Megan Corkey on American Idol are common place in Utah.

    As for the porn issue, this is simply an unintentional consequences of abstinence. Utah teens and college students justify jerkin off to porn before giving in to premarital sex. And then, due to its addictive nature, the porn use goes on even after marriage and family.

  4. Porn is alive and well in Utah, maybe they just don’t talk about it. If nobody’s taking about it or sharing their porn since it’s a secret they each have to buy their own. Resulting in more porn purchased. It’s a possibility. 🙂

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