Political blog survey

In the Inbox, from Tom Johnston

My colleague Barbara Kaye (University of Tennessee) and I (Texas Tech) need your help. We are asking you if you would please publicize our survey about blogging and the Iraq War. Results from an earlier version of the survey has been published in academic journals and books as well as presented at international conferences.

We are trying to reach blog users from a wide range of political perspectives and from a wide variety of types of blogs, so participation of your readers is important. Would you be so kind to announce our survey on your blogs?

Take the survey.


  1. Maybe I’m hypercritical in that I research in much the same fashion, but it wasn’t a very impressive survey. What can you say about a set of questions for which every answer is “somewhat … “?

    AND – It’s A Boy! William Joseph, 9lb 3oz 21.5″, 7:07 of a High Desert morning. The fifth generation of my name to grace The High Desert, the sixth of my family and seventh of his grandmother’s.

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