Convergence. Sen. John Edwards to keynote Gnomedex

Gnomedex, the upcoming geek and blog fest in Seattle the end of this month, will feature Sen. John Edwards. This isn’t as odd a choice as it may seem, considering Edwards is an active blogger and podcaster, and was an early adopter to boot.

From Gnomedex organizer Chris Pirillo

The senator is a long-standing supporter of technology – including podcasting and blogging.

When conversations started with Senator John Edwards’ office, they were intrigued and enthralled with our approach to content! Sentator Edwards will quickly turn his time over to the Gnomedex audience, fielding questions and fostering discussion over how technology could and should play a role in our world. This is fantastic! I’m sure you’ll agree, no matter your political persuasion. This is a tremendous opportunity to have your voice heard.

The Gnomedex format this year for speakers is unusual. No long talks, rather just a fifteen minute intro, then the speaker opens the floor for discussion. So, tech bloggers (and this blog too, I’ll be there) will be able to discuss, hopefully in a real way, the possibilities of tech with a tech-savvy senator.

The main hall of Gnomedex is sold out, you can still get tickets in the Cove, which has a video feed. $499 for 2 1/2 days, and that includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Such a deal.

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