Israel artillery kills beachgoers

Hamas’ action was prompted by a string of Israeli attacks, including an artillery shell blast that killed at least seven Palestinians picnicking on a northern Gaza beach on Friday.

The IDF said earlier it had been firing on rocket-launching areas in Gaza after a militant attack earlier in the day. The target areas were believed to be uninhabited, a representative said.

Oh, please. If they thought they area was uninhabited, why were they firing on it? Or is this just more weaseldick evasion from Israel, pretending beaches are “uninhabited?” They obviously couldn’t have been bothered to check if innocents were in the area before firing the artillery.

In his Saturday speech, Abbas condemned the beach incident as a “despicable massacre … the Israeli artillery was aimed at children, women — innocent children and women who were sitting on the seashore, on the sea beach having fun on a normal weekend.

“Yesterday, a whole family was murdered, all its members, by the Israeli Defense Forces,” Abbas said.

One comment

  1. Oh, please. If they thought they area was uninhabited, why were they firing on it?

    Well gosh, they say the beach was a whopping 400 yards away from where they were aiming. 400 yards. That’s a quarter mile. One trip around your local track, only straightened out. Four football fields.

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