The nasty Sensenbrenner bill

A bill proposed in December [by Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-W)] could criminalize charity workers and others who help undocumented immigrants.

The bill declares that immigrants illegally in the United States are felons. It previously was a non-criminal matter. Felons are barred from later becoming citizens.

The legislation authorizes police to enforce immigration laws and would abolish visa programs, which helped bring in non-sponsored immigrants into the U.S.

“This is very punitive,” Kumpf said. “It will punish anyone who is undocumented and anyone that will help. It will criminalize anyone, such as a local priest, doctors and social workers.”

The March 10 Immigrant Rights March in Chicago, which drew well over 100,000, was held to protest this noxious, racist, nasty bill. Some say it drew 300,000. It was the biggest such march ever in U.S history. And it was hardly isolated. There’s been plenty of such marches lately, all under-reported or not reported at all in MSM. Why is that?

The Chicago march is part of a growing tsunami of immigrant protest across the nation. Last week 5,000 Mexicans gathered in Oregon; on Tuesday, March 6, some 30,000 Latinos from the Washington, D.C. area rallied on the U.S. Capitol steps.

The last big spasm of immigrant bashing was in California in the mid 1990’s by Governor Pete Wilson and Proposition 187. Mexican immigrants responded by first marching, and then becoming citizens and voting Democratic in record numbers.

The largest march ever in California was held to protest Prop 187, it drew over 100,000 people. This coming Saturday there will be a march and rally in downtown L.A to protest the Sensenbenner bill. Assemble 10 am at Olympic & Broadway. March to City Hall. If you live in L.A. be there, this is everyone’s fight.

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  1. Liberals (including a good friend of mine) are all excited about the prospects in the special election coming up in San Diego of Francine Busby (to replace the convicted Duke Cunningham). Here’s what this liberal has to say about immigration:

    Create a ‘Smart Fence’ That Utilizes Proven, 21st Century Radar Technology to Detect and Prevent Unlawful Border Crossings
    Oppose Amnesty

    Not that she’s any better on Iraq:

    Develop An Exit Strategy With Clear Benchmarks for Restoring Security and Infrastructure
    Start Withdrawing Troops as Soon As Benchmarks are Met
    Never Again Send Troops Into Battle With Too Little Body Armor and Inadequate Equipment

    Notice any difference from the Bush position? I don’t.

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