Attention Islam-bashers

Mohammad cartoon protests aren’t unique to Islam

The violence linked to cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad is not unique to Islam, experts say, and the protests reflect political and cultural passions more than the faith’s core values.

“There are parallel behaviors in every tradition,” he said. “Buddhism has a violent strain despite its pacifism … You think about Hinduism and nonviolence but (Mohandas) Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu.”

“You can’t say Islam has a gene for violence,” Gaffney said. “It has to do with the dynamics, political and economic, that are at play right now,” especially in Europe where there has been a long history of anti-Islamic prejudice that represents “an underlying kind of powder keg.”

There’s plenty of Christian violence too. Nut cases murdering abortion doctors. Lunatic presidents invading countries because they claim Jesus told them to. And, oh yeah, the blood-drenched Crusades.


  1. no matter which faith you embrace, it is clear
    that mankind will never succeed in finding a common
    ground to co-exist

    only the most-high will bring about this time of
    great joy and an end to all war

    it is good for anyone of any faith to remember not
    to put their trust in people and to listen to their
    own hearts for comfort in these difficult times

    insulting anyone’s beliefs is not a good idea

  2. Let’s not forget that is was the Muslims that first
    an invasion of Europe. Their violence was ended in
    France in the year 730, when they were defeated by
    Charles Martel. Muslims are constantly crying about
    the crusades, but they started it.

  3. Religion is meant to bring peace to people, but often is the cause of war. Everyone believes that their religion is the correct one and everyone else serves false Gods. The only way to have peace with religion is if everyone were open minded about others’ religions and respected those religions. This will never happen however because there will always be sensitivity over one’s own religion while scoffing at others.

  4. President Bush is public about his beliefs, and praying to God over a
    decision is a far cry from “God told me too”, but he never ordered any
    violence on a group of people in his own country because he didn’t like
    their cultural/religious background. Saddam did. A Kurdish life is worth noth-
    ing less than any other, and they are grateful for the help. In a newscast on
    one of the major networks, a Kurdish family was being interviewd. All of the
    children in that family were given names like George, Donald, Colin…when asked
    why, the father replied “Because my children would not be here without them.
    God bless America.” Left-wing liberals, and the uninformed, seem to
    either forget about that, never bothered to know in the first place, or even
    worse, make the unilateral decision that they aren’t worth it.

    I personally do believe that Islam is a religion of peace. Unfortunately,
    it is a religion in the hands of monsters who have deluded themselves and
    others into thinking beheading innocents, ramming airplanes into buildings,
    strapping bombs onto their own blind followers and sending them into cafes,
    and encouraging carnage over pictures is good and righteous behavior.

    While all religions have violence attached to them some way, I can’t think
    of an example where such depravity has been actively encouraged in a modern
    time in the name of a prophet or God. The leaders of Islam have a 15th century
    attitude in a 21st century world…and that makes this group more dangerous
    than any other.

  5. “Let’s not forget that is was the Muslims that first an invasion of Europe. Their violence was ended in
    France in the year 730, when they were defeated by Charles Martel. Muslims are constantly crying about
    the crusades, but they started it.

    Comment by Mark — March 1, 2006 @ 9:41 am”

    “…but they started it.” Are you kidding? What are you, eight years old?

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