Abramoff begins aria

Abramoff to plead guilty

Mr. Abramoff, 46, is pleading guilty to fraud, public corruption and tax evasion, setting the stage for prosecutors to begin using him as a cooperating witness against his former business and political colleagues. In exchange, Mr. Abramoff faces a maximum of about 10 years in prison in the Washington case.

There will be some seriously uneasy people today in Congress, the White House, and various non-profits and lobbyist firms today. Black Jack will be needing a bodyguard for the rest of his life, as he’s now made big league enemies. I wonder, was he operating on his own, or was he the designated fixer for other, even more repulsive and shadowy forces?

Click ‘Abramoff’ in the Categories box in the left column or or in the Category sub-heading for this post for all our posts about Abramoff. His tentacles were everywhere. Powerful people will be going to prison based on his aria.

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