The Orange Line to the Red Line to Tosca

Sue and I took the new Orange Line busway to the Red Line subway to downtown L.A. to see the opera Tosca tonight.

The Orange is an innovative transit idea, a bus-only line operating on an old train track. When it was time to leave, I looked at the freeway map and it said the downtown drive was 44 minutes, and that generally translates into an hour or more. And that’s how long it took using mass transit, with no freeway or parking hassles! Very nice indeed.

I know nothing about opera. Sue has loved it, and classical, since she was a child. We have a deal, she takes me to chamber music and opera, and I take her to weird music, roots music, that kind of thing.

Is Tosca relevant? Oh yeah. There’s thuggish police, political prisoners, and torture, plus murder, an execution, and suicide, all set to a backdrop of political chaos. Seemed quite relevant to me.

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