The flooding was not a result of heavy rains.

It is a result of a weak levee — one that was in mid-repair when the storm hit. And that levee, which has held back floodwaters for time beyond memory, collapsed for one simple reason: Bush refused to fix it last summer, when local officials were begging him to do so. Instead, he diverted those funds to the war effort.

Had the levee repairs been completed in a timely manner (two years ago), Katrina would have hit hard, destroyed buildings and probably taken some lives. But it would NOT have cracked open the floodwalls and submerged an entire CITY. It took Bush’s criminal neglect of his domestic duties to produce that outcome.

Hurricane protection a low priority for Bush 

A history of funding for the Lake Pontchartrain and Vincinity Hurricane Protection project. (Note: This was the levee system that broke. Due to lack of funding, major construction stopped in 2004 — the first such stoppage in 37 years.)

    Army Corps request: $11 million
    Bush request: $3 million
    Approved by Congress: $5.5 million

    Army Corps request: $22.5 million
    Bush request: $3.9 million
    Approved by Congress: $5.7 million
    Bush request: $2.9 million.