Troubled Water

This excellent book details the water shortage problems that are occuring worldwide, shortages made much worse by predatory multinationals who wish to privatize water.

Over 1 billion people worldwide have no access to clean water within a 15 minute walk of their homes.

The three largest water corporations will control 70 percent of the water in Europe and North America by the end of the decade.

Authored by Anita Roddick of The Body Shop, with aid from blogger extraordinaire Brooke Shelby Biggs this is a clear, highly readable explanation of the scope of water problems now facing the planet.

You can get the book at a discount by ordering via Brooke’s blog, The Bitter Shack of Resentment.

We’ve had a water page here for quite a while, with lots of useful links.

Even in one of the wealthiest areas of the planet, the American West and Southwest, water has always about the biggest and most hardball of the political issues. However, as the 5 year long drought continues, it is becoming even more so.

As reservoirs recede, fears of a water shortage rise

The seven states that rely on the Colorado River confront the possibility of inadequate supplies.