The Angeles Crest 100 mile…

The Angeles Crest 100 mile run

Steve Patt lumbered out of the San Gabriel Mountains in a pair of mud-caked athletic shoes Sunday to accomplish one of the most daunting feats in sports: the completion of a 100-mile trail race.

Steve took exception to this Monday when we had brunch. “I didn’t lumber in, I RAN in!” His wife, Deborah, agreed. He ran in.

That’s after a 100 mile run with a cumulative vertical rise of 21,610 feet.  He was walking fine Monday too. No wobbly legs, no hobbling. Such are the recuperative abilities of the ultra-distance runner! His training runs can be upwards of 45 miles, while a regular marathon is a mere 26 miles.

Two members of the Tarahumara tribe from Mexico completed the run wearing ultra thin sandals. I guess they didn’t know it was impossible to run 100 miles without wearing running shoes…