Amid cheers, terrorists have landed…

Amid cheers, terrorists have landed in the U.S.

LA Times OpEd

Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso inexplicably pardoned four Cuban exiles convicted of “endangering public safety” for their role in an assassination plot against Fidel Castro during a 2000 international summit in Panama.

After their release, three of the four immediately flew via private jet to Miami, where they were greeted with a cheering fiesta organized by the hard-line anti-Castro community.

Shouldn’t President Bush have condemned Moscoso’s decision to release these terrorists? To protect the sanctity of U.S. borders and the security of Americans, shouldn’t the administration have taken all available steps to keep known terrorists out of the United States?

The decision to allow members of the Posada gang into this country, and the televised spectacle of Miamians applauding their return, sends a different and dangerous message: In a swing state, some terrorists are not only acceptable but welcome.

Meanwhile, the Cuban Five languish in US prisons serving long onerous sentences for doing nothing more than peacefully and non-violently infiltrating right wing anti-Cuban terrorists groups headquartered in Miami.